UNFIX Festival of Performance and Ecology (Glasgow, Scozia). Call for applications

Scadenza presentazione candidature: 9 marzo 2015.

Dal 25 . 02 . 2015 al 09 . 03 . 2015

Glasgow (Scozia) - Centre for Contemporary Arts, 350 Sauchiehall Street

UNFIX è un nuovo festival di Spettacolo e Ecologia che si svolgerà al Centre for Contemporary Arts di Glasgow dal 10 al 12 luglio 2015. Il Festival è alla ricerca di proposte di spettacoli dal vivo, film, installazioni e workshop che siano correlate al tema della crisi ecologica e al rinnovo di una fisicità cosciente. Questo evento è inteso come un’offerta per gli artisti sia scozzesi che internazionali di trovare nuovi metodi per ripensare le interrelazioni umane e nuovi approcci ambientali attraverso il nostro corpo e il senso fisico della vita, sia nella vita quotidiana che nei contesti culturali.

Attualmente sono aperte due versioni del festival. Una in cui ogni opera invitata riceverà un budget di £ 200 per la produzione e le spese, nonché il marketing e il supporto di tutoraggio (nel caso in cui il festival riceva i finanziamenti che ha richiesto e per cui si è candidato). Nel secondo caso, senza finanziamenti, il festival andrà avanti con il pieno sostegno da parte del CCA e agli artisti sarà offerto un box office, supporto marketing, tutoraggio e aiuto a ricevere fondi per i viaggi con Lettera d invito.

Scadenza presentazione candidature: 9 marzo 2015.

Per maggiori info:


UNFIX is a new festival of Performance and Ecology taking place at CCA Glasgow from 10 – 12 July 2015. The Festival is seeking proposals for live performances, films, installations and workshops that resonate with ecological crisis / renewal and conscious physicality. UNFIX takes ecology to mean all the ways in which we are interdependent on each other, our surroundings, our bodies and psyches.

The theme aims to identify an untapped resource for artists and will make UNFIX the first Scottish festival of its kind. Ecology is perhaps the grand theme of our times, uniting issues of climate change, sustainability, political independence / inter-dependence, and the various flows of ageing, economics, culture and emotion. Rather than restricting itself to ‘environmental art’, UNFIX will take a broad definition of the term and include ecologies of Imagination (the connections between the ideas, myths, dreams and archetypes we live by), Politics, Environment, Soul and Mental Health (the ecology of the individual psyche and questions of balance, physical maintenance and happiness; ecologies of emotion and the forces of love, conflict, anger, shame).

This wide net is intended as an offer to Scottish and International artists to find methods of rethinking human inter-relationships and environmental approaches through our bodies and physical sense of living, both in daily life and the concentrated forums of performance and culture. We can no longer pretend to be separate from one another, and we cannot continue as we have been. It’s time to unfix.

There are currently two versions of the festival being planned. The first is where we get the funding we have applied for. In this instance each open-call work will receive a budget of £200 for production and expenses as well as marketing and mentoring support. In the second instance, without funding, the festival will go ahead with full support from the CCA and artists will be offered a box office split, marketing support,mentoring and assistance with travel grant writing where this applies.

Deadline: 9 March.

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