
Susanne Linke: Inner Suspension.

Dal 30 . 03 . 2015 al 02 . 04 . 2015

Salerno - Auditorium Centro Sociale

Borderline Danza e Campania Danza ospitano dal 30 marzo al 2 aprile 2015 Susanne Linke con Inner Suspension, Workshop per danzatori professionisti.

Scrive Susanne Linke: “Training, Technique: modern dance training Creative work: shaping the scenic progression of subject through improvisation. Aren´t we a unity of body – soul – spirit? This is something that especially a dancing person can – and should be able to – express. What does the balance between these three aspects of unity look like today? Isn´t the body the only means of making a soul visible that is influenced by our spirit? My work is about this subtle something…”.

Per info: 089.797614 – 328.3388620 –

Nella foto: Susanne Linke, ph. Bettina Stoess.

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