Special Effects Festival a New York City. Open call.

Scadenza presentazione candidature: 15 agosto 2016.

Dal 27 . 07 . 2016 al 15 . 08 . 2016

New York (USA)

Contemporary Performance ha annunciato la 4° edizione del festival del Contemporary Performance Network che si svolgerà dal 14 al 17 gennaio 2017 a New York City.

Il festival, intitolato Special Effects, consisterà nella presentazione dei lavori degli artisti del network al The Wild Project nell’East Village di NYC ed è curato da Caden Manson e Jemma Nelson.

Durante il festival Contemporary Performance presenterà artisti, organizzerà eventi e discussioni con gli stessi, e lancia il Contemporary Performance Almanac17.

Per candidarsi al festival si prega di compilare entro il 15 agosto 2016 il modulo disponibile al seguente link:

Il programma sarà annunciato entro il 1 novembre 2016.


Special Effects Festival in NYC. Open Call.

Contemporary Performance is proud to announce the 4th annual festival of works from the Contemporary Performance Network from January 14-17, 2017 in NYC.

The festival, titled Special Effects, will consist of artists from the network presenting their work at The Wild Project in the East Village of NYC and is curated by network editors, Caden Manson and Jemma Nelson.

During the  festival Contemporary Performance will present artists, hold panel and artist events, launch the Contemporary Performance Almanac17, and throw nightly performance parties in the Wild Project Bar.

To be considered for the festival, please fill of the form: The deadline is August 15, 2016.

We will announce the festival line up on November 01, 2017

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