
Reso-Workshop con Roberto Zappalà a Lione (Francia)

Dal 19 . 09 . 2016 al 21 . 09 . 2016

LYON (FRANCE) - Théâtre Le Croiseur, 4 rue Croix Barret

Resodancer Company is looking for a limited number of professional and pre- professional dancers to exchange with the Italian choreographer Roberto Zappalà, director of the Compagnia Zappalà Danza, for the first Reso-Workshop on the 19, 20 and 21st of September 2016.

You will get the opportunity to work during 9h intensive with Roberto Zappalà himself.


  • Full Workshop: 120€ + 10€ membership
  • 2-Days: 90€ + 10€ membership
  • 1-Day: 50€ + 10€ membership

How to apply: candidates must send their CV by e-mail to specifying as object «Workshop Roberto Zappalà»


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