Residenze per coreografi al Tanzplan Hamburg Zentrum für Choreographie (Germania). Programma 2016/2017.

Tanzplan Hamburg propone 3 residenze di 8 mesi a dei coreografi all'inizio della loro carriera. Il bando e l'application form per le residenze saranno messi on line durante l'estate 2015.

Dal 12 . 06 . 2015 al 31 . 08 . 2015

Amburgo (Germania) - K3, Centre for Choreography Tanzplan Hamburg, Kampnagel Jarrestr. 20

Per l’ottavo anno il Tanzplan Hamburg propone 3 residenze di 8 mesi a dei coreografi all’inizio della loro carriera professionale e che abbiano già realizzato un lavoro personale. In collaborazione con l’Università di Amburgo questo programma propone ai partecipanti un lavoro pratico e teorico attorno ai loro progetti artistici. Così che, durante il loro soggiorno, che sarà composto da una fase di ricerca e una di creazione, i coreografi selezionati potranno sviluppare una produzione che sarà presentata pubblicamente al termine della residenza. Il dispositivo prevede, per questo fine, un programma regolare di training e corsi, un budget di produzione, un accompagnamento artistico come anche un supporto scenico, tecnico e promozionale.

Periodo residenze: da agosto 2016 a fine marzo 2017.

Le informazioni dettagliate e l’application form saranno online dall’estate 2015.

Info: T +49.40.270949-45 



Pour la huitième année, Tanzplan Hamburg propose 3 résidences de 8 mois à des chorégraphes débutant leur carrière professionnelle et ayant déjà réalisé un travail personnel. En collaboration avec l’université d’Hambourg, ce programme propose aux participants un travail pratique et théorique autour de leur projet artistique. Ainsi, pendant leur séjour, qui sera composé d’une phase de recherche et d’une phase de création, les chorégraphes sélectionnés pourront développer une production qui sera présentée publiquement au terme de la résidence. Le dispositif prévoit, à cette fin, un programme régulier d’entraînements et de cours, un budget de production, un accompagnement artistique ainsi qu’un support scénique, technique et promotionnel.

Période: août 2016 à fin mars 2017.

Informations et téléchargement du formulaire de candidature en anglais: en ligne durant l’été 2015.

Contact: T +49.40.270949-45 



As part of its residency programme, K3 provides three eight-month residencies per season to choreographers, who are currently at the beginning of their career, but have already produced some choreographic work of their own. The residency begins around the beginning or middle of August and runs until end of March / beginning of April of the following year.

The residency programme is one-of-a-kind because of its length of eight months and is closely linked to the other courses and professional training programs offered by K3. The residency includes mentoring and dramaturgical, technical and production related support. It moreover links the projects proposed by the three choreographers in residence closely to the various other on going programs of K3.

The goal of the residency is to develop and strengthen the connections between choreographic practice, research, artistic production and qualification. The length of eight months should provide sufficient time and space for overcoming conventional rhythms of production and open up space for exchange with other artists and interested parties in order to receive new impulses and contacts. Over the course of the residency the three choreographers will each develop a full-length piece that is presented towards the end of the residency on the studio stage P1 on three evenings.

The next application period will be in summer 2015 concerning the residency 2016/17. 

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