Light Moves. Bando per opere di video danza per il festival 2017 (Irlanda)

Scadenza presentazione candidature: 26 maggio 2017.

Dal 26 . 04 . 2017 al 26 . 05 . 2017

Limeric (Irlanda)

Il festival Light Moves per opere di videodanza ha annunciato il bando di quest’anno. Il festival si terrà a Limerick (Irlanda) dal 2 al 5 novembre 2017.  Film-makers, coreografi e video artisti sono inviati a presentare i loro lavori in video che abbraccino la danza e tutte le forme di movimento attraverso l’arte filmica o la videoarte.

Le candidature vanno effettuate entro il 26 maggio 2017 tramite il sito web
I premi verranno assegnati sia a professionisti che a studenti che si presenteranno tramite questa open call. 

Tutti i dettagli, termini e condizioni sono disponibili al link:

I lavori che saranno presi in considerazione sono:

  • lungometraggi di durata maggiore ai 20 minuti da essere presentati in contesto cinematografico.
  • cortometraggi che non eccedono i 20 minuti da presentare in un contesto cinematografico.
  • documentari che non superano i 55 minuti.
  • video di studenti in cui il direttore e/o il coreografo sia registrato come studente in corso fino al livello MA (incluso).

Inoltre verranno valutati anche films in cui si tratti di danza, performance, cinematografia e suono, presentazioni che riflettono il potenziale della coreografia, così come forme alternative quali l’animazione e il computer modelling. Sono accettati anche lavori datati ma verrà data particolare considerazione a quelli recenti.

Light Moves è un festival internazionale Irlandese di danza in video ed è una risposta all’espansione del campo della videodanza non solo in Irlanda ma ovunque. Il festival mostra lavori nuovi, provocanti e taglienti negli spazi a Limerick ma include anche video per famiglie e classici e invita alcune delle figure più rispettate in quest’ambito.

Light Moves è curato da Jürgen Simpson e Mary Wycherley e prodotto dal Dance Limerick, in partnership con DMARC (Digital Media and Arts Research Centre) presso l’Università di Limerick.  Light Moves è supportato dall’Arts Council, dalla Città di Limerick e dal County Council and the JP McManus Fund.


 Light Moves announces Film Submissions Open Call for festival 2017

Light Moves festival of screendance has announced its Open Call for Film Submissions for this year’s festival, which takes place in Limerick from 2-5 November 2017.  Filmmakers, choreographers and video artists are invited to submit for consideration screendance works which embrace dance and all forms of movement through the art of film and video art.

Submissions should be made via the Light Moves page on

The closing date for receipt of entries is Friday 26 May 2017.

Prizes will be awarded to both established and student practitioners for works submitted via the Open Call. Full details, terms and conditions are available here:

Works which will be considered include:

  • Long films exceeding 20 minutes duration to be presented in a cinematic context.
  • Short films not exceeding 20 minutes duration to be presented in a cinematic context.
  • Documentaries not exceeding 55 minutes.
  • Student films in which the director and/or the choreographer is a registered student on a course up to and including MA level.

In addition to films which embrace dance, submissions that reflect the unique potential of choreography, performance, cinematography and sound, as well as alternative forms such as animation and computer modelling will also be considered.  While previously screened works are accepted, recent works will be given particular consideration in the selection process.
Filmmakers should note that, in 2017, Light Moves, in collaboration with Limerick City Gallery of Art, will be curating a selection of invited screendance installations.  Therefore, unlike previous years, Light Moves will not be accepting installation submissions via the Open Call.
Announcing the Open Call Jenny Traynor, Director of Dance Limerick which produces Light Moves, said “We’re very excited to announce this year’s Open Call for film submissions for Light Moves.  We were blown away by the beauty, creativity and imagination evident in last year’s submissions, so we can’t wait to see this year’s entries.  This year we are using for the first time, so this should make submitting films very easy.  We’re also delighted that Light Moves 2017 will again take place at the three city centre venues of Dance Limerick, Limerick City Gallery of Art and Belltable, Limerick”.

Light Moves is Ireland’s international festival of dance on film and is a response to the vibrant and expanding field of dance film / screendance in Ireland and internationally.  The festival showcases thought-provoking and cutting-edge new work in Limerick venues and includes classics, family screenings, invited works, open submissions and explorations of screendance with some of the most respected figures in the field.  Light Moves is curated by Jürgen Simpson and Mary Wycherley and produced by Dance Limerick, in partnership with DMARC (Digital Media and Arts Research Centre), at University of Limerick.  Light Moves is supported by the Arts Council, Limerick City and County Council and the JP McManus Fund.

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