Emmeline Cresswell Company cerca performers per nuova produzione (UK)

Dal 21 . 10 . 2016 al 24 . 10 . 2016

Londra (UK)

Emmeline Cresswell Company sta cercando performers interessati a aggiungersi alla compagnia per un periodo di lavoro in vista della nuova produzione  Goat Song.

Si cercano performers che siano interessati a connettersi con un processo di trasformazione animale e siano forti nella contact-improvisation. Idealmente amano già, o gli piaceranno, le capre.

Il lavoro debutterà il 26 gennaio 2017 come parte della stagione al The Place di Londra.

L’audizione si terrà lunedì 24 ottobre 2016 a Londra.

Per candidarsi mandare il proprio curriculum vitae e video accompagnati da una lettera con manifestazione di interesse a

Ci sarà un contributo alle spese di £100 per ogni performer e una copia del video-footage della performance.

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Emmeline Cresswell Company are looking for performers

Emmeline Cresswell Company are looking for performers interested in joining us for an R&D period to develop the company’s new and playful work Goat Song.

We are looking for performers who are interested in connecting with processes of animal transformation and are strong exploring contact improvisation. Ideally you will like or love goats.

The work will be performed on January 26th 2017 as part of The Place’s Resolution season.

The audition will be held on Monday 24th October 2016 in London.

To Apply: If you would like to apply and join us for the audition then please send your CV and video along with a statement of interest to:

There is a contribution to expenses of each performer of £100 and a copy of video footage of the performance.

More information on previous works can be found at:

Foto: Emmeline Cresswell Company, ph. Icy-Cyn Lazare

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