
D&D Summer Intensive Ballet Masterclass a Barcellona

Dal 15 . 07 . 2019 al 25 . 07 . 2019

Barcellona (Spagna)

D&D Summer Intensive Ballet Masterclass si svolgertà dal 15 al 25 luglio 2019 a Barcellona, in Spagna, presso l’Institute del Teatre (domenica 21 luglio pausa).

Il programma è rivolto a danzatori professionisti e a allievi tra i 12 e i 20 anni.

Durante il Summer Intensive gli organizzatori selezioneranno i danzatori per partecipare all’edizione 2020 di Grand Audition e saranno assegnate borse di studio ai danzatori più promettenti.

Lo stage permette di studiare con i docenti della Dutch National Ballet Academy di Amsterdam e  del Ballet Academy of the Hochschule für Musik und Theater, di Monaco.


D&D Summer Intensive Ballet Masterclass

D&D Summer Intensive Ballet Masterclass will take place in Barcelona at the Institute del Teatre from July 15-25 (Sunday 21st July day Off)

This course is for professional dancers and students from 12 to 20 years of age.

During the Summer Intensive we will be selecting dancers for 2020 Grand Audition early bird acceptance and possible scholarships for most promising dancers.

In addition dancers will get to experience classes that are taught at the Grand Audition by our ballet faculty. We will also advise dancers on many aspects of the application process!

Our young dancers will get the opportunity to take classes from ballet professors of Dutch National Ballet Academy, Ballet Academy of the Hochschule für Musik und Theater, Munich.

Applications online:


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