Call per la 7° edizione del Concorso Internazionale CHOREOGRAPHIC CAPTURES

Scadenza presentazione candidature: 10 settembre 2015.

Dal 26 . 08 . 2015 al 10 . 09 . 2015

Monaco (Germania)

Per la settima volta Joint Adventures invita coreografi internazionali, danzatori e artisti operanti nell’arte multimediale a sviluppare un nuovo approccio estetico e un linguaggio visuale nella coreografia e nei video con un formato di 60 secondi.

Si cercano lavori che operino coreograficamente con le infinite possibilità all’interno del video/film. L’obiettivo di CHOREOGRAPHIC CAPTURES è semplice ma anche ambizioso: utilizzare mezzi non convenzionali per incrementare la consapevolezza delle forme d’arte quali il video, la danza e la coreografia.

Premi in denaro per oltre 2.000 euro. Inoltre i video premiati saranno presentati nei cinema in      Germania, Svizzera e in diversi festival europei.

Maggiori info sul sito di CHOREOGRAPHIC CAPTURES 

Contatto: Sabine Klötzer – tel. +49.89189313710

Application form:


Call for Entries 7th International CHOREOGRAPHIC CAPTURES Competition. Application deadline: 10 September 2015.

For the seventh time, Joint Adventures is inviting international choreographers, dancers, film and (multi)media artists to develop new aesthetic approaches and visual languages for choreography and film in a 60-second ad format.

We are searching for works that operate choreographically with the endless possibilities within film.  The goal of CHOREOGRAPHIC CAPTURES is as simple as it is ambitious: to use unconventional means to increase people’s awareness of the art forms of film, dance and choreography. It is meant to give this art form space for artistic input, exchange, networking and presentation, and to advance the interaction between choreography and media art.

There are monetary prizes of up to 2.000,- EUR. In addition, the winning films will be presented in cinemas throughout Germany and Switzerland, and at different European festivals.

To find out more, visit the CHOREOGRAPHIC CAPTURES website 

Contact Sabine Klötzer +49.89189313710.

Application form:



Zum 7. Mal sind in diesem Jahr Choreografen, Tänzer, Performer, Film- und (Multi-) Mediakünstler eingeladen, neue ästhetische Wege und außer- gewöhnliche visuelle Sprachen für Choreografie und Film im 60-sekündigen Werbeclipformat zu entwickeln.

Gesucht werden Arbeiten, die choreografisch mit den unendlichen Möglichkeiten des Mediums Film arbeiten. Unter der Rubrik Wettbewerbsfilme können Sie sich inspirieren lassen!

Ziel des von JOINT ADVENTURES initiierten Projekts CHOREOGRAPHIC CAPTURES ist es, die Vielfalt an Darstellungs- und Realisierungs- möglichkeiten von Choreografie und Film stärker im öffentlichen Bewusstsein zu verankern. CHOREOGRAPHIC CAPTURES möchte Raum für künstlerischen Input, Austausch und Vernetzung, und zugleich Präsentationsräume schaffen, um die Interaktion zwischen Choreografie, Film und Medienkunst voranzutreiben.

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