Black Box International Theatre and Dance Festival 2019. Open call (Bulgaria)

Scadenza presentazione candidature: 31 agosto 2018.

Dal 09 . 08 . 2018 al 31 . 08 . 2018

Plovdiv (Bulgaria)

Il Black Box International Theatre and Dance Festival accetta proposte per il suo Programma palcoscenico aperto 2019. La 13° edizione del festival si svolgerà nella città di Plovdiv, in Bulgaria dal 31 maggio al 6 giugno 2019.

Dal 2007 il Festival presenta artisti indipendenti e compagnie innovative di teatro e danza da tutto il mondo.

Il principale focus dell’evento è sul teatro fisico e visuale così come sulla danza contemporanea e la performance.

Per candidarsi compilare entro il 31 agosto 2018 il form on line disponibile al seguente link:

Info: –

The Black Box International Theatre and Dance Festival accepting proposals for its 2019 Open Stage Program.

Where: Plovdiv, Bulgaria

When: May 31- June 6, 2019

Deadline for applications: August 31, 2018

The Black Box International Theatre and Dance Festival accepting proposals for its 2019 Open Stage Program!
The thirteen edition of the Black Box International Theatre and Dance Festival will be held from May 31 to June 6, 2019 in the city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
The Festival features innovative theatre and dance companies and independent artists from all over the world. The main focus of the event is physical and visual theatre as well as contemporary dance and performance.

How to apply
Please fill in the application form you could find in here –

Contact details:

For further information please visit

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