Audizione Polish National Ballet per ballerini e ballerine, solisti e corpo di ballo (Polonia)

Scadenza presentazione candidature: 31 dicembre 2016.

Dal 26 . 11 . 2016 al 31 . 12 . 2016

Varsavia (Polonia) - Polish National Ballet, Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera, Plac Teatralny 1

Il Polish National Ballet con sede a Varsavia, principale compagnia di balletto polacca, diretta Krzysztof Pastor, anche coreografo residente del Dutch National Ballet in Olanda, cerca nuovi danzatori, uomini e donne, solisti e per il corpo di ballo. Contratti  dall’inizio del 2017.

Si richiede forte tecnica classica e contemporanea, un’età compresa fra i 19 e i 28 anni.

Altezza minima per gli uomini 178 cm. Altezza massima per le donne: 175 cm.

Il repertorio della compagnia nazionale polacca include:

  • Adagio & Scherzo (Pastor)
  • La Bayadère (Petipa / Makarova)
  • Bolero (Pastor)
  • Casanova in Warsaw (Pastor)
  • Chopiniana (Fokine / Fadeyechev)
  • Chroma (McGregor)
  • Don Quixote (Petipa / Fadeyechev)
  • Moving Rooms (Pastor)
  • Darkness (Weiss – Premiere)
  • The Nutcracker (Van Schayk & Eagling)
  • Persona (Bondara)
  • Returning Waves (Wesołowski)
  • Romeo and Juliet (Pastor)
  • Swan Lake (Pastor – Premiere)
  • The Taming of the Shrew (Cranko)
  • The Tempest (Pastor)

L’audizione è solo su invito e si svolgerà al Teatr Wielki a Varsavia il 14 gennaio 2017 alle ore 12.00 (classe e workshop).

Per candidarsi inviare entro il 31 dicembre 2016 a curriculum vitae con inclusi data di nascita, altezza, peso, formazione, concorsi, premi, ruoli principali, esperienze lavorative e, in file separati, una foto ritratto e foto di danza. E’ anche consigliato inviare link video. Video e foto devono riferirsi a esibizioni realizzate nell’anno in corso. Le dimensioni della mail non deve superare i  5 MB. Solo le candidature complete saranno valutate dal Management della compagnia.

Le candidature possono anche essere inviate via posta al seguente indirizzo: The Polish National Ballet, Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera, Plac Teatralny 1, 00-950 Warsaw, Poland – tel.: +48.22.6920373, e-mail:


Polish National Ballet Audition

The Polish National Ballet in Warsaw, leading Polish ballet company, Director Krzysztof Pastor, resident choreographer of the Dutch National Ballet, is looking for new male and female soloists and corps de ballet dancers since the beginning of 2017 with strong classical and contemporary technique.

Age between 19 and 28.
Minimum height for male dancers: 1,78 m.
Maximum height for female dancers: 1,75 m.

Repertory will include:

  • Adagio & Scherzo (Pastor)
  • La Bayadère (Petipa / Makarova)
  • Bolero (Pastor)
  • Casanova in Warsaw (Pastor)
  • Chopiniana (Fokine / Fadeyechev)
  • Chroma (McGregor)
  • Don Quixote (Petipa / Fadeyechev)
  • Moving Rooms (Pastor)
  • Darkness (Weiss – Premiere)
  • The Nutcracker (Van Schayk & Eagling)
  • Persona (Bondara)
  • Returning Waves (Wesołowski)
  • Romeo and Juliet (Pastor)
  • Swan Lake (Pastor – Premiere)
  • The Taming of the Shrew (Cranko)
  • The Tempest (Pastor)

An audition by invitation only, will be held in the Teatr Wielki in Warsaw on the 14th of January 2017 at 12:00 (class and workshop).

Please submit a CV including birth date, height in cm, weight in kg, education, competitions, awards, main roles, work experience etc. and several photos: headshot and dance photos (in separate files). It is also recommended that you send a link to a video recording uploaded on the internet. The photo and video material should be a current representation within a year’s time. Please note that the size of the application should not exceed 5 MB. Only full applications will be evaluated by the Management of the company.

All must be submitted by the 31th December 2016 to: The Polish National Ballet, Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera, Plac Teatralny 1, 00-950 Warsaw, Poland – tel.: +48.22.6920373, e-mail:

Foto: 1.-4. Polish National Ballet, La Bayadère  di Petipa – Makarova; 5.-6. Polish National Ballet, Romeo and Juliet di Christopher Pastore.

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