Audizione Kolben Dance Company (Israele)

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Dal 31 . 01 . 2018 al 13 . 02 . 2018

Gerusalemme (Israele) - Kolben Dance Studio, 9 Bezalel St. 

Kolben Dance Company ha indetto un’audizione per danzatori contemporanei.

L’audizione si terrà il 13 febbraio 2018 dalle 9:30 alle 16:00 a Gerusalemme, in Israele, presso il Kolben Dance Studio, 9 Bezalel St.

Per registrarsi inviare curriculum vitae e video links a Sandra Brown

Kolben Dance Company Auditions for Professional Contemporary Dancers

Kolben Dance Company auditions for professional contemporary dancers

When: 13 February 2018 at 9:30-16:00

Kolben Dance Studio
9 Bezalel St. Jerusalem, Israel

For signing up, please send your CV and video links which present your dancing to:
Sandra Brown

Visit website to learn more about the company:

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