Auditions are by invitation only and will be held on Wednesday 31st May | Yorkshire Dance, Leeds | 11:00-17:00.
TO APPLY: Please send headshot, video footage, current CV and expression of interest to by Wednesday 24th May.
23 . 12 . 2024
Scadenza presentazione candidature: 24 maggio 2017.
Dal 20 . 05 . 2017 al 24 . 05 . 2017
Leeds (Regno Unito) - Yorkshire Dance
Joseph Reay-Reid cerca danzatori e danzatrici con forte fisicità per la creazione del nuovo lavoro che sarà presentato come parte di Northern Connections 2017
Dopo di che Joseph debutterà con Blue Monday al Riley Theatre, a Leeds, nel’ambito del 2017 Northern connections Programme (
Joseph Reay-Reid cerca un danzatore e una danzatrice da aggiungere alla compagnia per un mese di contratto (retribuito secondo le ‘equity rates’).
L’audizione è solo su invito e si terrà il 31 maggio 2017 dalle 11:00 alle 17:00 a Leeds, nel Regno Unito, presso Yorkshire Dance,
Per candidarsi mandare entro il 24 maggio 2017 foto ritratto, video footage, recente curriculum vitae e lettera di interesse a
Joseph Reay-Reid seeks highly physical male and female dancer for the creation of a new work to be presented as part of Northern Connections 2017
Later this year, Joseph Reay-Reid will premiere his new work Blue Monday at Riley Theatre, Leeds, as part of the 2017 Northern Connections Programme (
Joseph Reay-Reid requires both one male and one female to join the company for a 1 month paid contract (equity rates).
Rehearsal Period:
WEEK 1: 23, 24 August
WEEK 2: 30, 31 August & 1 September
WEEK 3: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 September
WEEK 4: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 September
Technical Day: Monday 25 September
Performance Day: Thursday 28 September
Auditions are by invitation only and will be held on Wednesday 31st May | Yorkshire Dance, Leeds | 11:00-17:00.
TO APPLY: Please send headshot, video footage, current CV and expression of interest to by Wednesday 24th May.
When: Auditions are by invitation only and will be held on Wednesday 31st May 2017 from 11:00 to 17:00
Where: Yorkshire Dance, Leeds
To Apply: Please, send headshot, video footage, current CV and expression of interest to
Deadline for applications: 24th May 2017.
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