Audizione Iain Stringer Works (UK)

Scadenza presentazione candidature: 6 gennaio 2017.

Dal 26 . 12 . 2016 al 06 . 01 . 2017

St Helens (Regno Unito) - The Gamble Building, Victoria Square

Iain Stringer Works cerca 4 danzatori uomini professionisti con forte capacità teatrale.

L’audizione è su invito e si svolgerà il 14 gennaio 2017 a St Helens, nel Regno Unito  al 1 piano di The Gamble Building, Victoria Square.

Se sarete scelti ricevere un contratto secondo le ‘equity rates’ per un periodo di due settimane, dal 13 febbraio al 23 febbraio 2017, che culminano in due performances pubbliche nel giorno di venerdì 24 febbraio 2017. Il titolo del pezzo è Prevail ed è tra musica e danza.

Questa è parte del Lottery Award winning Arts In Libraries and Cultural Hubs initiatives, St Helen’s.

Il lavoro è retribuito. Salario:  Equity rates per due settimane di lavoro.

Per candidarsi mandare al più presto  e comunque entro  venerdì 6 gennaio 2017 curriculum vitae e video-link a

Verrà notificata una shortlist di candidati.

Modalità di svolgimento dell’audizione: portare 5 minuti a scelta con una scena/storia tra musica e danza. Portare la musica con sé sia in CD o in MP3 (ad esempio su smart phone). In loco ci sarà amplificatore.

Per ulteriori informazioni visitare:


Iain Stringer Works Audition

Iain Stringer Works is looking for 4 professional male dancers: with strong acting ability.

When: 14th January 2017

Where: 1st Floor, The Gamble Building, Victoria Square, St Helen’s, North West England, WA10 1DY

If successful, you will receive an employment contract and equity rates of pay for a two week period: Monday 13th February to Thursday 23rd Feb 2017, culminating in two public performances on the Friday 24th February 2017.

This is part of the Lottery Award winning Arts In Libraries and Cultural Hubs initiatives, St Helen’s.

Title of show: PREVAIL: a story told through music and dance.

Plot summary: Two men fight for their freedom for challenging the rule of law with their love for each other.

Full description:
A dying father is cared for by his two sons. One of his sons is a judge. It’s his duty as judge to trial those who threaten societies’ order by placing them in the public stocks. We see the judge trial two men.

During the trial the men’s faces are hidden by sacks… but as they reach the stocks the judge wants their faces revealed. Who are they?

The judge is publicly horrified and seeks help from his dying father. But will he listen to a dying man’s advice?

This is a paid opportunity.

Salary:  Equity rates of pay for 2 weeks work.

To apply please forward a CV/profile and video links to

Application deadline: Fri 6th Jan 2017. You will be notified if shortlisted.

Audition details: You have 5 minutes portray a story/scene through music and dance of your choice. Please bring your music with you, either CD or MP3 format (e.g.: smart phone). There will be an amp to amplify your music.

For further information please visit

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