Audizione DON GNU Physical Theatre & Film (Danimarca)

Scadenza presentazione candidature: 15 maggio 2015.

Dal 30 . 04 . 2015 al 15 . 05 . 2015

Copenhagen (Danimarca)

DON GNU Physical Theatre & Film ha indetto un’audizione il 3 e 4 giugno. Si cercano danzatori contemporanei, physical performers e artisti circensi con una forte fisicità e esperienza di Palcoscenico. I candidati devono essere disponibili per un tour dal 3 marzo al 10 aprile 2016. L’audizione si svolgerà al tba di Copenhagen, in Danimarca.

Per candidarsi all’audizione è necessario inviare entro il 15 maggio 2015 alla mail

  • Curriculum vitae (1 pagina formato A4)
  • Una foto ritratto
  • Una foto a figura intera
  • Un video che mostri il proprio lavoro
  • Informazioni di contatto chiare con indirizzo postale, indirizzo mail e numero telefonico.

I candidati riceveranno una mail di conferma con ulteriori informazioni sull’audizione.


Audition for DON GNU Physical Theatre & Film. Deadline 15th of May.

Call for audition for DON GNU Physical Theatre & Film from June 3rd – 4th 2015. We are looking for contemporary dancers, physical performers and circus artists with a strong physicality and stage experience. Applicants should be available for touring in the period 3rd of March – 10th of April 2016. Audition to be held in Copenhagen, location tba.

June 3rd – 1st round audition

-Doors open at 09.00. Audition begins at 10.00.
-Please take care of your own warm-up before the audition starts at 10.00 (location tba).
-Call backs for second round on the 4th during evening of the 3rd.

June 4th – 2nd round audition

-Doors open at 9.00. Audition begins at 10.00.
-Please take care of your own warm-up before the audition starts at 10.00.

To apply, please submit the following:

  • CV (1 A4 page)
  • 1 headshot photo
  • 1 full length photo
  • Preferably a video link showcasing your work
  • Contact information which should be marked clearly with address, email address and telephone numbers.

Deadline for submitting your information and application: Friday the 15th of May 2015 to

After the deadline you will receive an email with confirmation and further information concerning the audition.

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