ADF’s Movies By Movers. Richiesta di candidature di opere per lo schermo di qualunque formato e tipo (USA)

Scadenza presentazione candidature: 18 aprile 2016.

Dal 21 . 01 . 2016 al 18 . 04 . 2016

Durham e Boone (USA)

Movies By Movers e l’International Screendance Festival all’American Dance Festival si sono fusi. Movies By Movers si chiama adesso ADF’s Movies By Movers e si terrà a Durham, all’ American Dance Festival dal 6 al 9 luglio 2016, e a Boone, nel campus dell’ Appalachian State University dall’8 al 10 settembre 2016.

ADF’s International Screendance Festival, fondato nel 1997, e Movies by Movers, fondato nel 2010, hanno proiettato oltre 500 films. Nel 2016, nei due festivals verrà lanciato il 21esimo anno del ADF’s.

ADF’s Movies By Movers cerca brevi lavori per lo schermo per la sua stagione 2016. I lavori sia di studenti che di artisti emergenti o in carriera sono accolti e possono appartenere a qualsiasi genere di filmmaking, incluse le tecnologie digitali e sperimentali, documentari, coreografie per il video (videodanza), animazione etc . Le proposte si possono inviare dall’8 gennaio fino al 18 aprile 2016.

Per maggiori informazioni e per candidare il proprio lavoro andare su quindi aprire il formulario per le candidature. Potete visitare anche
Costo per i partecipanti: $15 – $35

Per info:


Movies By Movers

Movies By Movers and The International Screendance Festival at the American Dance Festival have merged! Movies By Movers is now called, ADF’s Movies By Movers and will hold screenings in Durham, NC at the American Dance Festival July 6th-9th, 2016 and in Boone, NC on the campus of Appalachian State University September 8th-10th, 2016.

ADF’s International Screendance Festival, founded in 1997, and Movies by Movers, founded in 2010, have screened over 500 films combined. In 2016, the two festivals will launch ADF’s 21st year of celebrating screen dance.

ADF’s Movies By Movers seeks short works for the screen for its 2016 season! Works by student, emerging and established artists are accepted in the genres of filmmaking, including experimental and digital technologies, documentary, choreography for the camera, animation and narrative. Submissions open January 8th and will remain open until April 18th.

For full information and to submit your work, go to and go to the submissions tab. You may also visit
Deadline for application: April 18th, 2016

Costs for participants: $15 – $35

For questions, contact

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