Audizione Dance Company Theater Osnabrück diretta da Mauro de Candia (Germania)

Scadenza presentazione candidature: 8 gennaio 2018.

Dal 06 . 12 . 2017 al 08 . 01 . 2018

Osnabrück (Germania) - Theater Osnabrück, Domhof 10/11

La compagnia di danza del Theater Osnabrück diretta da Mauro de Candia cerca per la stagione 2018-2019 danzatori e danzatrici con esperienza con una forte tecnica classica e contemporanea.

L’audizione è solo su invito e si terrà il 14 gennaio 2017 Osnabrück, in Germania.

Per candidarsi inviare entro l’8 gennaio 2018 curriculum vitae, foto e video links (youtube o vimeo) con una breve coreografia a Solo le candidature con tutti i materiali saranno prese in considerazione.

Dance Company Theater Osnabrück is looking for male and female dancers

The Dance Company Theater Osnabrück (artistic director: Mauro de Candia) is looking for the 2018/2019 season for experienced female and male dancers with a strong classical and contemporary technique.

Where: Osnabrück, Germany

When: 14th of January 2018

To Apply: Applications need to include a CV, photos as well as video links (youtube or vimeo) with short dance excerpts. All material should be sent to:

Deadline for applications: 8th of January 2018

Participation in the audition on 14th of January 2018 is possible by invitation only.
Only emails with all requested documents will be taken into consideration.

Visit website to learn more about the theatre:


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