Il Dipartimento Danza della Radford University cerca coreografi

Scadenza presentazione candidature: 1 luglio 2017.

Dal 17 . 05 . 2017 al 01 . 07 . 2017

Radford (USA) - Radford University

Il Dipartimento Danza della Radford University cerca coreografi per lavorare coi maggiori corsi su un nuovo progetto coreografico oppure su una coreografia del proprio repertorio. Il progetto collaborativo sarà presentato nell’annuale Spring Dance Performance della Radford University e possibilmente presentato al Dipartimento all’American College Dance Association’s (ACDA) Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference.

I coreografi lavoreranno approssimativamente una settimana, 5-7 giorni.

I coreografi selezionati verranno retribuiti con $3000 oltre alle spese di viaggio vitto e alloggio.

Dove:  Radford University, Radford, VA  USA

Quando:  autunno 2017 oppure primavera 2018

Come candidarsi: 

Inviare entro il 1 luglio 2017 i seguenti materiali :

  • lettera di interesse che includa i vostri recapiti (Nome, indirizzo email, indirizzo postale, telefono)
  • curriculum vitae breve
  • 2-3 link-video di vostri lavori (no estratti)

Tutti i candidati devono mandare i materiali indicati a mettendo come oggetto nella mail “Call for Choreographers”

Contatto:  Danah Bella | 540-831-5186


Radford University’s Department of Dance is looking for choreographers

Radford University’s Department of Dance is looking for choreographers to work with dance majors on one choreographic project – either a new creation or choreography selected from their own repertoire.  The collaborative project will be presented in our annual Spring Dance Performance and possibly represent the Department at the American College Dance Association’s (ACDA) Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference.

Choreographers will work for approximately one (1) week, 5-7 days.

Selected choreographer will be compensated $3000 in addition to travel expenses, lodging and meals.

Where:  Radford University, Radford, VA  USA

When:  Fall Semester 2017 or Spring Semester 2018

Deadline for applications:  7/1/2017

How to apply:

Please submit the following materials electronically:

  • Letter of Interest, including your contact information (Name, Mailing Address, Email Address, Phone)
  • Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae
  • URL links to 2-3 examples of your work (no excerpts, please)

All applications should be sent to the following email address with the subject as “Call for Choreographers”:

Contact details:  danah bella | 540-831-5186

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