Uragan Company / Diamonds Theater cerca danzatori e danzatrici per la stagione estiva (Croazia)

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Dal 11 . 02 . 2017 al 28 . 02 . 2017

Zagabria (Croazia)

Uragan Company / Diamonds Theater cerca danzatori, danzatrici e  performers per la stagione estiva 2017-2018 per lavorare in Croazia (Costa Adriatica).

L’audizione si svolgerà a Zagabria, in Croazia, il 3 e il 5 marzo 2017.

Per candidarsi inviare curriculum vitae e foto a

Gli spettacoli estivi si terranno in diversi luoghi della costa croata.



Uragan Company / Diamonds Theater Audition

Uragan Company / Diamonds Theater is looking for male and female dancers and performers for summer season 2017/18 to work in Croatia (Adriatic Coast).

Where: Zagreb, Croatia

When: 3rd and 5th of March 2017

How to apply: by sending an e-mail with personal information, CV and photo on

The summer performances and exclusive shows will take place in several places on Croatian coast.

For further information please visit:

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