AVAYAVA 2017 festival di danza contemporanea in India. Open Call per insegnanti, performer, filmaker e artisti visivi

Scadenza presentazione candidature: 31 ottobre 2016.

Dal 03 . 10 . 2016 al 31 . 10 . 2016

Pune (India)

AVAYAVA è un festival di danza contemporanea che si svolge a Pune, in India e che ospita artisti dall’India e da tutte le parti del mondo in una varietà di stili di danza contemporanea.

Per la sua sesta edizione, che si svolgerà dal 13 al 17 aprile 2016, AVAYAVA ha lanciato una open call. Possono candidarsi insegnanti (sia per bambini che per adulti), performer, filmaker di un pezzo di videodanza, oppure artista visivi o artisti con un  progetto che abbia come tematica la danza.

“Siate parte dell’importante festival di danza contemporanea in India. Il più interdisciplinare”.

La data di scadenza per inviare le proposte è il 31 ottobre 2016.

I form per le diverse candidature sono disponibili al seguente link:

Si prega di leggere attentamente le Application Guidelines prima di candidarsi per il festival.
Inoltre per ogni candidatura compilate e inviate il Declaration Form e mandatelo a assieme ai seguenti documenti: curriculum vitae dettagliato, 2 fotografie di scena senza testo o logo da usare come promozione (dimensioni max 4MB, 300 dpi, TIFF o JPEG) e 1 fotografia del direttore artistico. Allegate anche ogni altro materiale rilevante come la scheda tecnica o il piano luci o qualsiasi cosa essenziale.

Potete candidarvi in più categorie compilando i form separatamente in modo che il festival possa avere le informazioni dettagliate e prendere decisioni fondate.




Master Class (2 ore per bambini e adulti) – Workshop (1 ora e mezzo per adulti oppure 1 ora per bambini al piccolo AVAYAVA)

Si incoraggiano gli insegnanti di tutte le formazioni a candidarsi per la prossima edizione di AVAYAVA nella sezione International Workshops. Backgrounds come Gaga Technique, Axis Syllabus, Butoh, Feldenkrais, Graham o Horton, Contact Improvisation, Acrobatica ed altre arti contemporanee sono accolte. A causa del programma proposto si preferiscono insegnanti capaci anche di lavorare nelle serate in site-specific e/o nello showcase finale di danza contemporanea.



Solo/Duetti/Terzetti: Max 15 minuti – Gruppi: Max 30 minuti

Si incoraggiano gli artisti a prendere parte allo showcase finale An evening of contemporary dance candidandosi nella categoria performers. Dal momento che il pubblico in India e in particolare a Pune, è ancora in fase di formazione verso la danza contemporanea il festival consiglia di proporre una performance che sia accessibile a un nuovo pubblico o che abbia una forte base narrativa e tecnica.

Gli organizzatori sono in grado di provvedere un piano luci generico che possa essere utilizzato per tutti i pezzi che partecipano alla serata. Si preferiscono performers che possono anche offrire un workshop/master class specifico (magari basato sul lavoro che presenteranno).

Per prendere visione dei requisiti anche delle altre categorie e conoscere le condizioni finanziarie del festival accedere al link: 


#AVAYAVA17. Open Call.

You can be a part of the festival as a dance educator for children as well as adults, as a performer, as a filmmaker who has worked on a Dance on Film Project OR as a visual artist or exhibitor with a dance-themed project.

Deadline: 31 OCT 2016

Please read the Application Guidelines carefully before applying for the festival.

Also, with each application please download, fill up and submit the Declaration Form and send it to our official email infoATcontemporarydancefestialDOTcom along with the following: Detailed Resume; 2 Photographs of the work without any text or logos that we can use for promotion (max. size 4MB, 300 dpi, TIFF or JPEG) and 1 photograph of the artist/director. Also attach any other relevant files like technical rider, sound or light plan etc. wherever essential.

If you are applying in more than one category please fill up separate forms for each so that we have detailed information and therefore, can make an informed decision.



Master Class (2 hours for kids and adults)

Workshop (1.5 hours for adults or 1 hour for kids at littleAVAYAVA)

We encourage dance educators from all backgrounds to apply for the next edition of AVAYAVA in the International Workshops category. Backgrounds like Gaga Technique, Axis Syllabus, Butoh, Feldenkrais Method, Graham or Horton Technique, Contact and Improvisation, Acrobatics and other contemporary arts are entertained.

For programming purposes, we prefer our dance educators to also be able to perform at our site-specific evening and/or the evening of contemporary dance – the finale showcase.



Solo/Duet/Trio: Max.15 mins. Group: Max. 30 mins.

We encourage performing artists to be a part of the final day showcase – ‘An evening of contemporary dance’ by applying in the performers category.

Since the audience in India, and especially in Pune, is still warming up to contemporary dance; we would encourage you to apply with a performance that is accessible to a new audience Or is with a strong narrative/techincal base.

We are only able to provide a generic light setup that can eventually be used for all the performances that are a part of the evening. For programming purposes, we prefer if our performers can also offer a specific workshop/master class (maybe based on the work that they will present)



Dance on Film (Short/Full Length/Documentary)

We encourage filmmakers and performing artists who have created/been a part of dance on camera productions to apply for the next edition of AVAYAVA. We categorise films into Experimental, Narrative or Documentary genres.

Films shot specifically for camera will only be entertained. Footage of dance performances on stage would not be fit for this purpose. Only 1 film per person/production house is eligible.

For programming purposes, we only choose one full-length film each year along with some films of 6-20 minutes and a short-film program of films ranging from 1-5 minutes screened without a break. We also invite some of our artists to be part of the open talk that we organise after the screenings.

Other Artist

If you have any other ideas or suggestions in terms of offering workshops, exhibitions, installations etc that might fit into the format of the dance festival, please feel free to get in touch with us by applying in the Other Category.

Why should I participate in Avayava? 

AVAYAVA is an exciting contemporary dance festival in Pune, India that hosts artists from India and abroad in a variety of dance styles that can be deemed Contemporary – changing with the times.

At the centre of the festival is its strong training component; with Intensive workshops and master classes in various disciplines of Contemporary Dance – aimed at both, a specialised and a more broad audience. It is also one of the few curatorial festivals in the field of dance in India that showcases International video-dance, documentaries and hosts performances by artists from around the world. Through the festival we aim to present the best of contemporary, cutting-edge and socially engaging works to audiences in Pune and the cities around.

Other activities as a part of the festival include the insightful conference ‘Conversations with Artists’ and presentation of dance related installations/exhibitions. Since 2015, we also organise a creative movement program LittleAVAYAVA for the young children in the age group 5-11 years.

Through Avayava you will be able to reach to a new audience in Asia and around. You can rub shoulders with fellow artists, promoters and directors from around the world. You can make use of our expert organisational and production facilities to showcase your work and network with people for future collaborations.

From 2012 to 2016 over 60 creators, such as choreographers, filmmakers, performers and trans-disciplinary artists from all around the world have participated in the festival. Over 120 students have attended the workshops and masterclasses in disciplines like Contemporary Dance, Martha Graham Technique, Feldenkrais Method, Contact Improvisation, Cunningham Technique, Improvisation strategies, Hi-Tec tools, Acrobatics etc to name a few. The performances at Avayava have been attended by over 1000 people and were widely appreciated by the audience.

How do I take part in Avayava? 

Please read the Application Guidelines carefully before applying for the festival.

Once you have done that, select your category and fill in the dedicated application form before the last date of the applications for each year.

All applications are carefully reviewed by our team. Shortlisted participants are informed about the results and given a deadline by which they would have to confirm their participation. This is also when we will provide you with the invitation letter, if you requested for it.

We will already have collected more information in terms of funding status, availability, technical requirements and so on through the application form. Though the majority of the selected artists are programmed for the same year, we might consider artists on a year-round basis or even invite them for the next year based on availability and other such aspects.

Once confirmed, you can apply for your visa. India allows citizens of some countries to enter India with an e-visa. You just need to fill in the requisite forms before your date of arrival.

Will you be able to pay for all aspects of my production? 

As with all other major Dance Festivals, we run on an extremely tight budget with minimal to no outside funding. As a young contemporary dance festival we are still getting funding bodies and sponsors into place and our team works through the year to find people who might be willing to partner with us on the same. What we cover in terms of remuneration are local costs – fixed domestic airport transfers, accommodation and local travel costs. We also cover the cost of the venue rental, production costs, technical crew, publicity and marketing for your work as a part of Avayava – Contemporary Dance Festival. Check application guidelines for more details on this.

Our performances take place at the Shakuntala Jagannath Shetty Auditorium that seats over 500 people. The stage floor is 16m wide by 11 m deep with 3 wings on the side. Since, there is more than just 1 performance in the event ‘An evening of Contemporary Dance’ on the last day of the festival, we provide you with a generic light setup that can work for everyone. If you have any small but extremely specific light requirement (apart from the generic setup) please specify the same to the festival team.

We strongly advise our artists to apply to their local art funding bodies to cover travel expenses. Should you require a letter of support after your selection for the festival, feel free to contact us for any assistance.

We will do our best to guide you through the entire process and should you have any queries please feel free to contact us.

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