Ultima Vez e Wim Vandekeybus: audizione per attori e danzatori per creazione 2017 (Belgio)

Scadenza presentazione candidature: 9 ottobre 2016.

Dal 18 . 09 . 2016 al 09 . 10 . 2016

Bruxelles (Belgio) - Ultima Vez Studio, Zwarte Vijversstraat 97

Ultima Vez e Wim Vandekeybus stanno cercando attori e danzatori da integrare alla compagnia per la nuova creazione.

Performers tra i 18 e i 109 anni con eccezionale qualità di movimento e una forte presenza teatrale sono incoraggiati a candidarsi. Ultima Vez è interessata a tutti i generi e tipi fisici.

Per candidarsi all’audizione è necessario inviare un video in cui usate creativamente il testo di Giulio Cesare, atto 3, scena 2 linee 73 – 105. Per il testo completo vedere: (il testo completo è riportato integralmente alla fine di questo articolo). Sentitevi liberi di utilizzare l’inglese oppure il vostro idioma. Caricare un link video e mandare il link assieme al curriculum vitae e allo showreel (se possibile) a entro domenica 9 ottobre 2016.

L’audizione è solo su invito. Una preselezione sarà effettuata in base al curriculum vitae e ai video. Si prega di notare che la compagnia non rimborsa le spese di viaggio e sistemazione sostenute per partecipare all’audizione.

I candidati devono essere disponibili per il periodo di creazione da gennaio a metà aprile 2017. Il debutto sarà seguito da una tournée internazionale.

L’audizione si svolgerà tra il 17 e il 21 ottobre 2016 presso Ultima Vez Studio – Zwarte Vijversstraat 97, 1080 Bruxelles, Belgio.

La prima selezione si terrà lunedì 17 e martedì 18 ottobre 2016. Wim Vandekeybus vi dirà immediatamente dopo il primo giorno di audizione se vorrà vedervi ancora mercoledì 19 ottobre 2016 per la seconda selezione. Lo stesso giorno saprete se parteciperete alla terza selezione giovedì 20 e venerdì 21 ottobre 2016.

Per maggiori info:


Ultima Vez e Wim Vandekeybus Audition Creation 2017

Ultima Vez and Wim Vandekeybus are looking for actors and dancers to join a new creation.

Performers between 18 and 109 years old with an exceptional way of moving and a strong theatrical presence are welcome to apply. Ultima Vez is interested in all genders and body types.

If you are interested, we ask you to make a video recording of yourself creatively using the text below. Feel free to use English or your native language. Please upload your video and send us the weblink along with your CV and your performance reel (optional) to before Sunday October 9th 2016.

Text Julius Caesar Act 3, scene 2 lines 73 – 105 for full text please look:

The audition is on invitation only. A pre-selection will be made based on your video and CV. Kindly notice Ultima Vez will not cover travel expenses or accommodation.

Candidates should be available for the creation period from January through mid-April 2017. The premiere will be followed by an international tour.

When? The audition takes places from Monday October 17th till Friday October 21st.

The first selections take place on Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th. Wim will tell you immediately after the first day of your audition if he would like to see some more of you on Wednesday 19th for the second selection. That same day you will know if you can participate at the third selection on Thursday 20th and Friday 21st

Where? Ultima Vez Studio – Zwarte Vijversstraat 97, 1080 Brussels, Belgium

More info? Please contact us on


Text Julius Caesar Act 3, scene 2 lines 73 – 105

I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them; 75
The good is oft interred with their bones;
So let it be with Caesar. The noble Brutus
Hath told you Caesar was ambitious:
If it were so, it was a grievous fault,
And grievously hath Caesar answer’d it. 80
Here, under leave of Brutus and the rest–
For Brutus is an honourable man;
So are they all, all honourable men–
Come I to speak in Caesar’s funeral.
He was my friend, faithful and just to me: 85
But Brutus says he was ambitious;
And Brutus is an honourable man.
He hath brought many captives home to Rome
Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill:
Did this in Caesar seem ambitious? 90
When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept:
Ambition should be made of sterner stuff:
Yet Brutus says he was ambitious;
And Brutus is an honourable man.
You all did see that on the Lupercal 95
I thrice presented him a kingly crown,
Which he did thrice refuse: was this ambition?
Yet Brutus says he was ambitious;
And, sure, he is an honourable man.
I speak not to disprove what Brutus spoke, 100
But here I am to speak what I do know.
You all did love him once, not without cause:
What cause withholds you then, to mourn for him?
O judgment! thou art fled to brutish beasts,
And men have lost their reason. Bear with me; 105
My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar,
And I must pause till it come back to me.

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