Doris Dörrie e Aya Irizuki cercano danzatrici over 60 (Germania)

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Dal 27 . 08 . 2016 al 27 . 09 . 2016

Monaco di Baviera (Germania) - Pasinger Fabrik, August - Exter Str. 1

Doris Dörrie e Aya Irizuki cercano danzatrici oltre i 60 anni con tanta esperienza nella danza. Il progetto è per donne che hanno tempo e interesse a lavorare con Doris Dörrie e Aya Irizuki.

Doris Dörrie ha scoperto la danzatrice giapponese di butoh Aya Irizuki per il suo film Kirschblüten – Hanami in un’audizione a Tokyo. Il film fu realizzato nel 2008 ed ebbe un grande successo internazionale.
Ora stanno programmando assieme un pezzo di danza butoh con Aya come coreografa. Doris Dörrie svilupperà piccole storie parlando con le danzatrici relativamente al lavoro femminile nel passato e nel presente. Aya Irizuki tradurrà queste storie in una coreografia butoh.

L’audizione si svolgerà mercoledì 28 settembre 2016 dalle 11.00 alle 18.00 a Monaco presso Pasinger Fabrik, August – Exter Str. 1.

Registrazioni e informazioni: Yuko Kuhn oppure telefonare a: + 49.151.58016108.

Spettacoli : 15 febbraio e venerdì 17 febbraio 2017 presso Pasinger Fabrik, Kleine Bühne, Monaco
Prove: dal 31 gennaio al 14 febbraio 2017 presso Pasinger Fabrik Studio & Kleine Bühne, Monaco.

Per info visitare il sito:


Doris Dörrie and Aya Irizuki are looking for professional female  dancers over 60 years

Doris Dörrie and Aya Irizuki are looking for professional female  dancers over 60 years old  with a lot of dance experience.
The project is most of all for women who have time and are interested in working and dancing with Doris Dörrie and Aya Irizuki.

Doris Dörrie discovered the Japanese butoh dancer Aya Irizuki for her film “Kirschblüten – Hanami” in an audition in Tokyo. The film was released in 2008 and had a big international success.
Now we are planning a butoh dance piece with Aya as the choreographer. Doris Dörrie will develop little stories by talking with the dancers about “woman´s work” in their past and present lives. Aya Irizuki will then translate these stories in a butoh choreography.

Audition: Wednesday, September 28th, 2016, 11.00 – 18.00 hours.
Where: Pasinger Fabrik, August – Exter Str. 1, 81245 Munich.

Registration and information: Yuko Kuhn at or call: + 49 151 58 016 108.

Performances: February 15, February 17th, 2017 in the Pasinger Fabrik, Kleine Bühne, Munich
Rehearsals: January 31st – February 14th, 2017 at the Pasinger Fabrik, Studio & Kleine Bühne, Munich

Doris Dörrie, a writer and director, known for this year award – winning / Berlin International Film Festival/ Fukushima, mon amour (original title: Grüße aus Fukushima), Kirschblüten – Hanami (2008), Nackt (2002) and Nobody Loves Me (1994).
Aya Irizuki studied classical ballet, Butoh, corporeal mime and physical theatre. Having graduated from Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music, she makes mainly herself costumes and stage design for her performances. As a member of the Butoh Company of Tamano Koichi and later a solo dancer, she performed in Japan, America, Canada, South Korea, Thailand, Germany, United Kingdom, Greece and other countries. 

Visit the choreographers website here:

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