Phoebe Davies e Nandi Bhebhe cercano performers (Regno Unito)

Scadenza presentazione candidature: 31 luglio 2016.

Dal 27 . 07 . 2016 al 31 . 07 . 2016

Londra (UK)

Fluid Sharing è una nuova performance dell’artista Phoebe Davies e del coreografo Nandi Bhebhe, che sarà rappresentata al  Tate Exchange di Londra (Tate Modern, Switch House) come parte del Bedfellows programme ad ottobre 2016. Questo lavoro di movimento vuole esplorare e sfidare le percezioni del comportamento, dell’età, del desiderio e della sessualità mettendo grande enfasi sul contact.

Si cercano performers forti e versatili, di una vasta gamma di età, che siano interessati a un processo collaborativo.

In particolare si cercano:

  • donna: performer, oltre i 60 anni
  • uomini: performer, tra i 18 e i 40 anni
  • donne: performer, tra i 18 e i 40 anni

La donna può essere identificabile come donna, trans o altro. L’uomo può essere identificabile come uomo, trans o altro.

Gli interessati devono inviare curriculum vitae, foto (o showreel) e lettera di interesse/presentazione a: con “Fluid Sharing Casting” come oggetto della email.

Date: scadenza per le risposte: lunedì 1 agosto – Workshop / Casting: lunedì 22 agosto 2016.

Prove: martedì 20 / mercoledì 21  / giovedì 22 settembre 2016

Performance: è preferibile essere disponibili da lunedì 17 a domenica 23 ottobre 2016; bisogna essere disponibili da mercoledì 19 a domenica 23 ottobre 2016.

Questo è un lavoro retribuito.


Artist Phoebe Davies and choreographer Nandi Bhebhe are looking for Performers

Fluid Sharing; a new performance by artist Phoebe Davies and choreographer Nandi Bhebhe, showcasing at Tate Exchange (Tate Modern, Switch House) as part of the Bedfellows programme in October 2016.

This movement work will aim to explore and challenge perceptions of behaviour, age, desire and sexuality with a strong emphasis on contact work.

We are looking for a range of ages in the cast, strong and versatile performers who are interested in a collaborative process.

  • Female* performer, over 60 years
  • Male* performer, 18-40 years
  • Female* performer, 18-40 years

Female*:  Identities as female, trans female or non binary.  Male*: Identifies as male, trans male, or non binary

If you are interested please send a CV, picture (or showreel) and an email of interest / cover letter, with “Fluid Sharing Casting” in the subject of the email.


Deadline for response: Monday 1st August

Workshops / Casting: Monday 22nd August

Rehearsals: Tuesday 20th/ Wednesday 21st / Thursday 22nd September

Performances: Preferably available: Monday 17th – Sunday 23rd October.  Must be available: Wednesday 19th –  Sunday 23rd October

This is a paid position.


Bedfellows Project History:

Bedfellows is a hot-blooded research project led by artists Chloe Cooper, Phoebe Davies and Jenny Moore born from the personal, the political, and the professional. It’s about sex. Sex as education. Sex re-education.

The Bedfellows project investigates sex, sexual identity, desire, consent, and feminist porn. We ask whether, as artists trained in visual literacy, we might be able to deconstruct the dominant tropes of the image-heavy sexual landscape we are in. It’s happening all the time but it manifested itself most recently in the form of a Charismatic Megafauna gig in Deptford, an artist talk at Serpentine Gallery, a series of SEX TALK MTGs at Serpentine Gallery, Tate Britain, London, and Assembly, Portland USA, a lecture at Wimbledon College of Arts, and a radio show at Reactor Halls E15: You can’t win them all, ladies & gentlemen, Primary, Nottingham.

Bedfellows Re-education – is commissioned by Tate Schools and Teachers.

Artists Biographies:

Phoebe Davies is an artist and producer based in London, her practice is defined by its location and context, investigating and exploring how people perceive their social framework.  Often she works with and in response to individuals and communities, generating work through collaboration and collective action.   Recently her work has recently been showcased at Tate Britain (London), Whitechapel Gallery (London), Arnolfini (Bristol), Steirischer Herbst (Graz, AUT), Assembly (Portland, USA) and ZA Connect (Johannesburg, ZA)  Phoebe is an Artsadmin artist and is currently a Social Practice Fellow on the British Council’s International Cultural Exchange US Program.

Visit Phoebe Davies Website:

Nandi Bhebhe is a British born Southern African, now residing in London. Since obtaining her 1st class degree at the Liverpool Institute of Performance Art, Nandi performance work has spanned countries, dance companies and theatres. These include the international tour ofBill T. Jones, Fela!, company work with Vocab Dance Company, projects at the Young Vic Theatre with Director Joe Wright and Choreographer Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, and a current run at the Shakespeare Globe theatre. Nandi’s choreographic work has gained notable interest and praise, including Best Choreography in a Music Video nomination at the UK MVA’s 2012.  As well as performing, Nandi enjoys and regularly delivers workshops across the UK.  Coming from a multi media training, Nandi is very interested and excited by multifacited work and the power of the body within that.

Foto: Tate Modern, Switch House

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