Audizione Luke Brown – 80 Collective (UK)

Scadenza presentazione candidature: 22 aprile 2015.

Dal 14 . 04 . 2015 al 22 . 04 . 2015

Londra - London Studio Centre (Arts Depot) North Finchley

Luke Brown Brown / 80collective cerca un ballerino di danza contemporanea per il riallestimento di  Second Self che verrà eseguito sotto forma di quartetto. La coreografia andrà in scena all’Hidden Door Festival di Edimburgo, in Scozia, alla fine di maggio e come parte di uno spettacolo in scena  al Wilde Theatre di Bracknell l’8 luglio 2015.

Si richiede una forte tecnica contemporanea. E’ essenziale avere esperienze di partnering e confidenza con l’improvvisazione. E’ importante la capacità di apprendere velocemente e l’attenzione ai dettagli.

Le prove si svolgeranno al South Hill Park Arts Centre di Bracknell, dal 13 al 15 maggio e dal 19 al 21 maggio 2015.

Calendario spettacoli:

26 maggio – viaggio per Edimburgo
27 maggio – Hidden Door Festival Edinburgh ( performance )
28 maggio – Hidden Door Festival Edinburgh ( performance )
29 maggio – viaggio di ritorno a Londra
7 e 8 luglio – Double Bill ( tech day ) South Hill Park Arts Centre, Bracknell

L’audizione è solo su invito e si svolgerà il 3 maggio 2015 a Londra presso il London Studio Centre (Arts Depot) North Finchley. Ore 9.45 registrazione. L’audizione si svolgerà dalle ore 10.00 alle 17.00.

Per candidarsi all’audizione inviare entro le ore 17.00 del 22 aprile 2015 lettera motivazionale, curriculum vitae, link video a  Luke Brown


Luke Brown – 80 Collective (UK). Male. Deadline: april 22, 2015

Luke Brown / 80collective is looking for one male contemporary dancer for a reworking of “Second Self” which is performed as a quartet. This is to be performed at Hidden Door Festival in Edinburgh at the end of May, as well as part of a double bill at the Wilde Theatre in Bracknell on July 8th 2015.

Dancers must demonstrate a strong contemporary technique with firm understanding of weight placement. It is essential to have experience in partnering skills and to be confident with contact based improvisational tasks. The ability to pick up material quickly with close attention to retaining detail is important. Dancers need to be open to taking direction and be comfortable working within a collaborative environment. An ability to retain subtlety in performance is strongly required. Attendance to extra rehearsals may be necessary.

The rehearsal dates take place at South Hill Park Arts Centre, Bracknell May 13th-15th and May 19th – 21st.


May 26th – Travel to Edinburgh
May 27th – Hidden Door Festival Edinburgh ( performance )
May 28th – Hidden Door Festival Edinburgh ( performance )
May 29th – Travel back to London
July 7th – Double Bill ( tech day ) South Hill Park Arts Centre, Bracknell
July 8th – Double Bill ( performance ) South Hill Park Arts Centre, Bracknell


Rehearsal fee £440
Photoshoot (date tbc) £100
Hidden Door Festival performance expenses covered – travel & accommodation
Double Bill performance fee £220

Audition Information

Audition will be by invitation only.
Date: Sunday 3rd May
Location: London Studio Centre (Arts Depot) North Finchley
Time: 9:45am registration, audition will commence at 10am and will conclude at 5pm.

Email Luke Brown with expression of interest with CV & link to footage at by Wednesday 22nd April before 5pm

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