Audizione Parkour Dance Company (UK)

Scadenza prenotazioni: 12 aprile 2015

Dal 01 . 04 . 2015 al 12 . 04 . 2015

Londra - The Tramshed Theatre

Parkour Dance Company è in grado di trasformare luoghi insoliti, banali e non amati in spazi di bellezza, energia e vita. Ricostruendo e rivoluzionando le zona che solitamente sono cementificate, la compagnia cambia e sposta il punto di visto prospettico dell’architettura e del pubblico. La coreografia si propone di stimolare il pensiero e influenzare positivamente il cambiamento sociale.

La Parkour Dance Company cerca performers professionisti da unire alla compagnia e free-lance per far parte di un team più ampio.

I performers devono:

  • avere esperienza in due o più delle seguenti discipline: parkour / freerunning, tricking, danza contemporanea, bboyin/ breakin, capoeira, ginnastica
  • avere ottime capacità creative e ideative
  • garantire impegno e affidabilità
  • essere aperti ad imparare nuove discipline
  • possedere grande presenza scenica
  • saper lavorare in team
  • frequentare la formazione parkour ogni domenica 11:30-13:00 in Covent Garden
  • essere aperti a frequentare delle prove extra se necessario

Gli artisti principali lavoreranno sullo sviluppo e l’esecuzione del pezzo Danger Risk of Falling.


Formazione in site-specific in vari punti in giro per Londra 20 Maggio, 21, 22 (10:30-16:30)

Le prove di Danger risk of falling si terranno al Teatro Tramshed (Woolwich Arsenal) 25 Maggio, 26, 27, 28, 29 (10:00-17:00)

Estate spettacoli: 3 maggio StreetFest – 29 maggio Teatro Tramshed – 30 maggio Woolwich Square Festival – 4 luglio Greenwich e Docklands International Festival


Domenica 12 Aprile al The Tramshed Theatre dalle 10:30; alle 11:00 registrazione
11:00am – 1:00pm outdoor audition
1:45pm – 3:45pm indoor audition

Per partecipare all’audizione inviare a Jade Shaw lettera di motivazione e curriculum vitae.

Per maggiori info: 


Parkour Dance Company is equipped to transform unusual, mundane and unloved places into spaces of beauty, energy and life. By reforming and revolutionising area’s that are usually cemented by everyday expectations, the company adjust architecture and shift audience perspective. The choreography aims to provoke thought and influence positive social change. We are looking for professional performers to join our core company and freelancers to be part of our wider team.

Performers must:

• Have experience in two or more of the following disciplines –  parkour/freerunning, tricking, contemporary/creative dance, bboyin/breakin, capoeira, gymnastics.
• Have excellent creative and devising skills
• Be able take direction
• Contribute to putting up the set with the team
• Show commitment and reliability
• Be open to learning new disciplines
• Possess great stage presence
• Work as a team
• Be able to attend parkour training every Sunday from 11:30am – 1:00pm in Covent Garden
• Be open to attending extra rehearsals if neccessary

The core artists will be working on developing and performing our piece ‘Danger Risk of Falling’.


Skill training in site-specific places – various spots around London May 20th, 21st, 22nd (10:30am – 4:30pm)

Rehearsals for Danger Risk of Falling The Tramshed Theatre (Woolwich Arsenal) May 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th (10:00 – 5:00pm)

Summer Performances: May 3rd StreetFest – May 29th The Tramshed Theatre – May 30th Woolwich Square Festival – July 4th Greenwich and Docklands International Festival.

Sunday 12th April  The Tramshed Theatre 10:30am – 11:00am registration
11:00am – 1:00pm outdoor audition
1:45pm – 3:45pm indoor audition

For further info check out 
Email Jade Shaw with expression of interest and CV on


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